Winter Sports
'My play embarrassed me, but now I want Olympic gold'
Bruce Mouat took himself "away from curling" after being "embarrassed" by his performance as Scotland missed out on a World Championship medal.
- Posted3 days ago
- Posted3 October
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- Posted30 August
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- Posted29 August
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- Posted7 August
- Posted2 August
- Posted24 July
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- Posted25 June
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- Posted12 June
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- Posted14 May
Watch and listen
How climate change is affecting French glaciers and skiing. Video, 00:08:04
Ski Sunday presenter Chemmy Alcott returns to Chamonix, France to witness glacial retreat firsthand.
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- Posted5 February
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- Posted25 January
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- Posted10 January
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- Posted26 March 2023
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- Posted20 April 2023
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- Posted25 March 2023
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- Posted4 March 2023